Looker Studio (Formerly Google Data Studio) integrations

Gather, transform, and move data from various data sources to Looker Studio in just a few minutes using direct integration. Create insightful reports with the most popular visualization tool, and make data-driven decisions.

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use 60+ data sources
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Trusted by 24,000+ companies worldwide

Leverage Looker studio integrations using Coupler.io

Using our seamless Looker Studio integration, you can instantly create reports by collecting, merging, and visualizing data from multiple connectors. For instance, you can analyze data from various advertising platforms to gain a comprehensive view of your paid channel performance. Set up automatic data refreshes as often as every 15 minutes and access live dashboards to stay up-to-date.

Coupler.io offers over 60 Looker Studio integrations that you can use to analyze all aspects of your business. Moreover, all our pricing plans include all core data sources and other destinations like Google Sheets, BigQuery, and Excel.

Connect Your Data to Looker Studio

See what our customers say

"Coupler.io made it easy to create dashboards and reports from different data sources. The sync is reliable and the user experience is amazing.

star star star star star

4.9 out of 5

Jennifer C.
Head of Admin & IT

"The integrations are easy to set up and automate, my colleagues think I'm a genius, but it's really Coupler.io that is doing the heavy lifting.

star star star star star

4.9 out of 5

David V.
Program Director
Connect all the dots in your data

Benefits of Looker Studio integration

Get started quickly and for free

Looker Studio can be used at no cost and has a low learning curve compared to other business intelligence tools, while still offering the ability to create highly customizable reports.

Build live reports in minutes using templates

Looker Studio's visualization library offers pre-made templates to help you create reports quickly. Dashboards are automatically updated with the latest data.

Share dashboards with other stakeholders

Sharing dashboards with other teams and stakeholders is easy with Looker Studio. You can invite other users to collaborate and grant different levels of access.

How to connect your data to Looker Studio

  1. Select a first app to export data from
    Select an app illustration
  2. Connect your data source account
    Connect your data source illustration
  3. Apply the necessary parameters
    Source parameters screenshot
  4. Connect more apps and preview your data
    Destination account illustration
  5. Choose Looker Studio as destination
    Locker Studio illustration
  6. Customize the schedule for your data update
    Scheduling illustration

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